Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a widely employed direct manual medicine treatment which
utilizes specifically guided mechanical forces to manipulate and reduce myofascial restrictions
of various somatic dysfunctions. Myofascial release, when used with other conventional
treatment, is effective to provide immediate relief of pain to reduce tissue tenderness.

Myofascial release Techniques focus on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses.

The specific releases to different parts of the body vary, but generally include gentle application of pressure to the affected area. Progress is gauged by the level of increased motion or function experienced, and/or decrease in pain felt by the patient.

Benefits of Myofascial Release Techniques

Indication of Myofascial Release Technique

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