Other Services
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy, or manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by physical therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability
Cranial Manipulation
Osteopathy and other systems of manual medicine have developed a variety of models for understanding the mechanics of proper and improper motion of the musculoskeletal system.
Visceral Manipulation
Osteopathy and other systems of manual medicine have developed a variety of models for understanding the mechanics of proper and improper motion of the musculoskeletal system.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a widely employed direct manual medicine treatment which
utilizes specifically guided mechanical forces to manipulate and reduce myofascial restrictions
of various somatic dysfunctions.
Strain-Counterstarin Techniques
Strain Counterstrain is a manual therapy technique, meaning clinicians use only their hands for treatment of muscle and joint pain.
Muscle Energy Techniques
Muscle Energy technique (MET) is used by practitioners
from different professions and has been advocated for the treatment of shortened muscles
Lymphatic Activation Techniques
Lymphatic Activation Technique has become a popular form of techniques due to its potential health benefits.
Deep Tendon Release
Deep Tendon release technique treats your body’s soft tissue by combining manipulation and movement.
Diet and Nutrition
Diet can also refer to the food and drink a person consumes daily and the mental and physical circumstances connected to eating.
Psychology Counselling
Counselling is the psychotherapeutic relationship in which an individual receives direct help from an adviser or finds an opportunity to release negative feelings and thus clear the way for positive growth in personality.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is an intervention service that focuses on improving a child's speech and abilities to understand and express language, including nonverbal language.
Employee Fitness Training
Employee Fitness Training Programme (Corporate Wellness Programme) is a set of initiatives ranging from fitness challenges
Online Consultations
Online consultations or e-consultations refer to an exchange between clinicians and patients / clients using the internet. They are one form of online deliberation.