Elbow Pain
Elbow Pain

The elbow is the joint connecting the upper arm to the forearm. It is classed as a hinge-type synovial joint. The orientation of the bones forming the elbow joint produces a hinge type synovial joint, which allows for extension and flexion of the forearm.
The elbow is a complex joint designed to withstand a wide range of dynamic exertional forces. The location and quality of elbow pain can generally localize the injury to one of the four anatomic regions: anterior, medial, lateral, or posterior.
Determining the underlying etiology of elbow pain can be difficult because of the complex anatomy of this joint and the broad differential diagnosis. As with other musculoskeletal problems, the keys to diagnosing elbow pain are a history to include mechanism of injury or exacerbating movements, and a focused physical examination. The patient’s occupation and recreational activities can be important clues to diagnosis.
- Broken arm
- Bursitis (joint inflammation)
- Dislocated elbow
- Golfer's elbow
- Osteoarthritis (disease causing the breakdown of joints)
- Osteochondritis dissecans
- Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammatory joint disease)
- Sprains
- Stress fractures
- Tendinitis
- Tennis elbow
- Throwing injuries
- Trapped nerves
- Dull ache when at rest.
- Pain when making a fist (golfer's elbow)
- Pain when opening the fingers (tennis elbow)
- Soreness around the affected elbow bump
- Weak grip
- Difficulties and pain when trying to grasp objects, especially with the arm stretched out
Differential Diagnosis
Anterior Region
- Anterior capsule strain
- Biceps tendinopathy
- Gout
- Intra-articular loose body
- Osteoarthritis
- Pronator syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Lateral Region
- Lateral epicondylitis
- Osteochondral defect
- Plica
- Posterolateral rotatory instability
- Radial tunnel syndrome/posterior interosseous nerve syndrome
Medial Region
- Cubital tunnel syndrome
- Medial epicondylitis
- Ulnar collateral ligament injury
- Valgus extension overload syndrome
Posterior Region
- Olecranon bursitis
- Olecranon stress fracture
- Osteoarthritis
- Posterior impingement
- Triceps tendinopathy
Here at Nova Health Physiotherapy Clinic, we will evaluate the causes of your pain and dysfunction, develop an individually tailored treatment plan and provide one-on-one treatment to get you to pain free life.
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Disc Prolapse
- Spondylosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Ligaments Injury
- Muscle Injury
- Nerve Injury and Rehabilitation
- Shoulder Pain
- Hip Pain
- Knee Pain
- Elbow Pain
- Ankle Pain
- Wrist Pain
- TMJ Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Bell’s palsy
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Wound & Ulcers
- Stroke
- Post Fracture Rehabilitation
- Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
- Post Covid Rehabilitation
- Sports Injuries Rehabilitation
- Geriatric Rehabilitation
- Women’s Health
- Posture and Ergonomic
- Headache
- Vertigo
- Migraine
- Stress and Depression
- Weight Loss
- Weight Gain